Tiana V. Simovic

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Hi! I'm a Ph.D. candidate in Psychology at the University of Toronto. I'm advised by Dr. Craig Chambers in the Perception, Action, and Language Lab. My dissertation shows that we use pragmatic reasoning via perspective inferencing to resolve ambiguous pronouns.

I'm broadly interested in how we understand ambiguous language, and how this understanding varies with context. I am also interested in how/whether computational models emulate this process, which in turn can tell us about our remarkable ability to quickly integrate world knowledge into incremental language understanding.

Prior to my Ph.D., I received my MA in Psychology from the University of Toronto (advised by Dr. Craig Chambers) and my Bachelor of Science (Honours) from the University of Toronto, double majoring in Psychology and Philosophy and minoring in Philosophy of Science.

Outside of academia, I worked in Marketing at VICE, I taught English as a second language (via CELTA), and I hosted a college radio show throughout my undergrad.

Outside the lab, I spend my time cycling, stargazing, playing video games, shooting hoops, and hanging out with my cat, Porky.

✉️ tiana dot simovic @ mail dot utoronto dot ca